Hi again!Today was
AWESOME!It all started this morning when me,Mike and Jane went for school...

Mike:Ugh......Do we still need to go to school,I mean,I'm popular at the old one,I'm
not sure I'll be POPULAR at the new one... :|
Crystal:I can't wait to go to school!Wait,which one am I going to?
Jane:Dad says you'll go to...Jamma Elemental Junior High...?
Crystal:Weird name for a school..But who cares! I know it will be AWESOME!
And we head to school..My school wasn't that far and I decided to,well,take a shortcut... :3 And I shouldn't have done that....I went into a place I'v never seen..It was dark and CREEPY...

That weird glowing eyes keep looking at me like I got pie in my face....Its creepy but it was(again)just actually...